The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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401 lines
Fixed: EXTINPUT functions return 0 if ESC pushed (all changes are ignored).
FAST: v1.98 Date: 01/03/89
Fixed: #TRACE ON/OFF was implemented and FASTT is a new program to run compiled
code while showing source code.
FAST: v2.00 Date: 06/01/89
Fixed: SEARCH[B] produces shorter code.
FAST: v2.01 Date: 09/01/89
Fixed: SEARCH[B] returned 0 for last item, now it returns proper address
(long time bug, not caused by v2.01).
- The NULL command has been added to do nothing but fill a space where a
command is needed but not wanted.
FAST: v2.02 Date: 17/01/89
Fixed: Added #entry command to set code entry point.
Added modify command: modify segment to new_paragraphs.
FAST: v2.03 Date: 05/02/89
Fixed: Fixes print tab and print , didn't tab 8 or 16 characters.
FAST: v2.04 Date: 09/01/89
Fixed: The function carry has been added, 1=carry set else 0.
- Added #short and #long. All code compiled while #short is set
will produce short jumps in IF THEN ELSE statements. The
default is long. The error 'Code exceeds short jump range!'
will occur if the code is too long.
FAST: v2.05 Date: 12/02/89
Fixed: Windows now checks for enough free memory or else 'error 8'
FAST: v2.06 Date: 13/02/89
Fixed: close window - if none gives error 6 ('invalid handle').
open window - if 20 windows open already then error 4
('no more handles').
FAST: v2.07 Date: 14/02/89
Fixed: Extended the var data type, unsigned is a subset.
Example... UNSIGNED address; Effects < > >= <= only.
FAST: v2.08 Date: 19/02/89
Fixed: #SHORT and #LONG automatically match correctly at the end of IF THEN
ELSE blocks.
- Add PRINTM command: printm address,len to print the memory in ascii at
address onto the screen at LOCPOS. The line is cleared to a length of
len characters. Used in WT and FASTT.
FAST: v2.09 Date: 22/02/89
on trace statement - called by FASTT.
on debug statement - called for every debugged line.
FAST: v2.10 Date: 23/02/89
Fixed: Signed variables, now work in all cases.
FAST: v2.11 Date: 27/02/89
Fixed: Unsigned variables (didn't have fixed before).
FAST: v2.13 Date: 01/03/89
Fixed: Problems with FAST giving wrong error messages.
- Improve 32 bit arithmetic.
FAST: v2.14 Date: 02/03/89
Fixed: Optimize block commands when in same segment.
FAST: v2.15 Date: 03/03/89
Fixed: ERROR MSG command automatically prints 'Error n [DOS=n]' when it gets an
error of its own. DOS=n is the error then error msg got.
FAST: v2.16 Date: 07/03/89
Fixed: PRINTM function now ignores line feeds (10).
- Add #SETDOS n.xx command, FAST now compiles your programs so
they check for the correct DOS version.
The default is 2.00 but if special FAST commands are used or
the user specifies another version then that version or higher
must be present to work. #SETDOS cannot be lower than what
FAST requires. Example... #SETDOS 3.30
FAST: v2.17 Date: 09/03/89
Fixed: Add IRET and RETF commands - same as assembler.
Useful when writing own interupt handlers etc.
FAST: v2.18 Date: 11/03/89
Fixed: Add STOP command - synonomous with TERMINATE.
- PRINT DOS is now valid, earlier documentation said PRINT DOS but only
PRINT BIOS was available. Now PRINT DOS is valid -
both print using the DOS standard io.
- SEEK #n,EOF ;same as seek to end of file.
FAST: v2.19 Date: 19/03/89
Fixed: PROC[EDURE] and FUNCTION are now treated the same.
This means a function can be used as a command and a procedure can be
used as a function. When either is used as a command this means the
RETURN value will be ignored.
FAST: v2.20 Date: 27/03/89
Fixed: PRINTM address,len [,0] adding ,0 means PRINTM does not overwrite the
current colour on the screen.
- When window commands get an error they leave the address from within the
code that the window command was called from rather than the library
Note: OPEN WINDOW & CLOSE WINDOW[S] are libraries built invisibly into
the FAST compiler.
FAST: v2.21 Date: 29/03/1989
Fixed: Fixed compiler setting of video adapter.
- ERROR MSG prints correct DOS error for all errors.
- Shorten code for all error handling, created two internal libraries.
FAST: v2.22 Date: 30/03/1989
Fixed: HGRAPHICS command now installed.
Fix the PLOT, LINE and SPRITE routines!
FAST: v2.23 Date: 02/04/1989
Fixed: Error handling didn't handle properly since last change, now works ok.
FAST: v2.25 Date: 12/04/1989
Fixed: PRINT "stuff" ELSE - didn't print the CR character for newline.
- Some of the FAST Compilers screen output.
FAST: v2.26 Date: 17/04/1989
Fixed: GETINT and SETINT use hex numbers (same as DOS and INT).
Eg SETINT 21 TO address ;Means 21h (33 decimal).
FAST: v2.27 Date: 25/04/1989
Fixed: MODE function is now called SCREEN, since corresponds to the SCREEN
- The SCREEN function was changed to SCRCHR y,x.
FAST: v2.29 Date: 29/04/1989
Fixed: Tidied up some FAST code and removed the FAST maintenance BEEP option,
this was only setup becase FAST used to be a slowish compiler.
FAST: v2.30 Date: 01/05/1989
Fixed: Added the INDOSS and INDOSO functions, these are for TSR programs.
INDOSS returns the segment of the INDOS flag, INDOSO returns the offset.
If you override an interupt and test the INDOS flag within the
interupt it will return 0 if DOS is not being used.
Note: When DOS awaits a command it is in DOS but IDLE.
- Added ON IDLE and STOP IDLE, now you can perform tasks while DOS is idle.
ON IDLE does what the original IDLE interupt did then does the new task.
STOP IDLE resets the IDLE interupt to what it did before using ON IDLE.
Note: The INDOSS and INDOSO functions use DOS functions so must not be used
within an interupt, instead at program initialsation set two variables
= to each function. Then within the interupt test the INDOS flag by using
"IF seg[off]b THEN where_using_dos"
FAST: v2.31 Date: 03/05/1989
Fixed: Added the PSP command and function.
PSP n ;Sets the current PSP to segment n.
var=PSP ;Returns the current PSP segment.
Note: PSP = Program Segment Prefix.
FAST: v2.32 Date: 04/05/1989
Fixed: All variables, arrays and long variables (eg VAR ? 200) are aligned on
word boundaries, this makes the programs run faster when using the
16 or 32 bit chips (ie 80286, 386, 486 ...).
This also means the long variables defined using VAR ? 200 will always
use the highest even number.
y ? 201
x is stored at 0800h
y is stored at 0802h 0800h + 2 bytes.
z is stored at 08CCh 0802h + 202 bytes (rounded up from 201)
FAST: v2.33 Date: 06/05/1989
Fixed: Now checks the 64K limit more efficiently, only one error message occurs
which says exceeded the 64K limit.
FAST: v2.34 Date: 08/05/1989
Fixed: PRINTM function now prints line feeds, only skipping over it when
followed by a carriage return.
- Most undefined constants will now compile ok but the warning 'Undefined
label (0 used).' will be printed. All occurrences of the label will
represent the constant 0.
FAST: v2.35 Date: 14/05/1989
Fixed: Completed ON TRACE handling by the program FASTT and also ON DEBUG is
now compiled properly: each line calls the current ON DEBUG statement.
FAST: v2.36 Date: 15/04/1989
Fixed: Added CHANGE DISK command, changes default drive to b (a number from 0
for A: to the last drive).
- Added CDISK function for checking which drive is the default, 0 for A:,
1 for B: etc...
FAST: v2.37 Date: 24/05/1989
Fixed: Added more optimisations to the POKE command, now produces even tighter
- Fixed long time bug where FAST did not recognise end of file when the
eof (26) character was missing.
FAST: v2.38 Date: 28/05/1989
Fixed: Change LPRINT commands to use the BIOS interupt 17h rather then through
DOS, this allows quicker printing but mainly allows programs to easily
intercept the printer output.
FAST: v2.39 Date: 29/05/1989
Fixed: Tiny fixups and speed improvements.
FAST: v2.40 Date: 07/06/1989
Fixed: Added the function FINDBIN, it has the same syntax as the include file,
FINDBIN.F. All ocurrences of FIND_BIN should be changed to FINDBIN and
the #INCLUDE FINDBIN.F commands should be deleted.
Note ! The FINDBIN function still sets the find_bin_put variable but no other
variables are used.
FAST: v2.41 Date: 20/06/1989
Fixed: Findbin needed more improvements.
FAST: v2.42 Date: 21/06/1989
Fixed: ON IDLE command for TSR programs was 'slightly' bugged, when some
programs loaded they called the wrong long interupt vector.
Note ! The source file TSR.F has been included now as a skeleton for any TSR
program you may wish to write, PU.F uses the same design.
FAST: v2.43 Date: 25/06/1989
Fixed: CALL, JUMP and USR can now use any address (offset, or segment|offset).
The segment and offset can also be any expression, not just constants.
FAST: v2.44 Date: 26/06/1989
Fixed: The /h option has been added to the FAST and SOFA command line, for
help. At the moment it only contains a few command reminders.
- The FAST and SOFA command line can now have a semi-colon appended to the
filename which will suppress all prompts before compiling.
Example, FAST WT; compiles WT, doesn't ask for source or symbol table
FAST: v2.46 Date: 05/08/1989
Fixed: The warning message 'Unexpected end of file' has been changed to now
give a reason, for example, Missing NEXT or IF-THEN-ELSE not finished,
there are 9 such warnings now to describe unfinished programs.
- Reminder, FAST can accept double declarations of variables using VAR
or UNSIGNED, a check is made to see that a signed variable is not
changed to an unsigned one, this would generate an error.
FAST: v2.47 Date: 06/08/1989
Fixed: Added FAST.CFG file, if its not found in the current directory then the
defaults are used. FAST /m will save it automatically after altering
the FAST defaults.
FAST: v2.48 Date: 22/08/1989
Fixed: FAST /? or FAST /h is now valid.
- FAST and SOFA now print source listings with leading zeros and lines
are seperated with the filename - it has made a nicer looking list
- Most of the include files have been changed to .FI files.
- The log file has been implemented. No command line option is used,
you set whether you want log files or not using 'FAST /m'
I think this idea of yours was great, I have often needed to know
when I last compiled a program and whether the compile worked or not.
The file is called SOFA.LOG or FAST.LOG and is always put into the
current disk/path.
FAST: v2.49 Date: 28/08/1989
Fixed: There was confusion between putting commands on the same line as labels,
this problem is now solved: You can always put a command after a label
without getting an error.
Note: Sometimes a programmer misspelled a procedure or command name.
For example 'high_score:explosion'. If the procedure high_score was
actually high_scores then FAST may have given an error or it may have
compiled high_score as a label. Now it will always compile it as a
label (well at least it's consistent).
The best way to check for labels and procedure problems is to check
the symbol table every so often and look for strange label or procedure
FAST: v2.51 Date: 11/09/1989
Fixed: The TSR programs had a small error which could effect operation if
activated once using the idle interupt then again using on int.
All TSR's should set the internal variable IHERE = 1 when starting
ON IDLE and reset when finished, alternatively set the IHERE variable
when executing the "program" procedure and when exiting it.
! Communications commands have been installed, they are different from
the original design plans.
For full details, search for "serial" and/or "communications".
FAST: v2.52 Date: 20/09/1989
Fixed: STOP IDLE had a bug, reset interupt all wrong. Works now though.
- Still working on serial coms commands, nobody on the Wellington BBS's
has any info as yet. I've got info on XMODEM and YMODEM so these
functions will be provided in a my terminal emulator: PHONE.F
FAST: v2.54 Date: 26/09/1989
Fixed: The HGRAPHICS command was ignored before, it should work now.
- A new command, #PROTECT can be added anywhere in a program so that when
run it will check itself for viruses attached to the .COM file.
#PROTECT should discover any virus. If you get the message about the
change in a files size then you will have to eradicate the virus.
This can be done by first booting off a clean floppy, then recompiling
all FAST programs. All your other .COM, .EXE and boot sectors etc will
need thorough checking to avoid recurring problems.
- The pipe (|) symbol used for segment:offset notation can now be
optionally changed to the exclamation mark (!).
This option is provided so that users of Gestetner laser printers
can now print their source files without hassles.
Use FAST /m and push ! when asked 'Segment:Offset |/!', globally
replace | with ! using WT.
FAST: v2.55 Date: 11/10/1989
Fixed: Serial communications are now working properly, even if limited.
FAST: v2.56 Date: 22/10/1989
Fixed: Speed. Somebody alerted me that Borland's new Turbo C was faster when
doing the sieve benchmark - this problem has now been fixed.
PS: FAST produced a runable file 32 times less the size of C's.
FAST: v2.57 Date: 18/11/1989
Fixed: Fixed error message when the quote character was missing from the
PRINT command.
FAST: v2.58 Date: 26/11/1989
Fixed: The MOD function gave the wrong answer when the divsor was not a
numeric constant or a variable.
- Undefined procedures now produce an error, only Syntax error but at
least it's something.
FAST: v2.59 Date: 22/03/1990
Fixed: Short jumps that exceeded the short jump range didn't always give an
error, fixed now.
FAST: v2.61 Date: 23/09/1990
Fixed: Bug in WT.F, would not remove files properly when more than 7 files
were in memory.
- When passing a parameter to a procedure or function which happens to be
a variable the same as declared in the procedure or function then no
code is produced, previously the code
MOV AX,[var]
MOV [var],AX was produced, clearly a waste of time and space.
FAST: v2.62 Date: 09/10/1990
Fixed: Windows only 1 line deep didn't print properly.
FAST: v2.63 Date: 24/10/1990
Fixed: The '.' function eg (.variable) gives the address of the variable,
now it also gives the addresses for functions and procedures.
FAST: v2.64 Date: 29/10/1990
Fixed: FAST now checks if the last instruction before a 'return' was a CALL
instruction, such as calling a procedure or a gosub command. If it was
then FAST changes the CALL to a JMP instruction, increasing speed.
FAST: v2.65 Date: 10/11/1990
Fixed: FAST already optimises multiplication if multiplying by a constant
between 1 and 10. Now it also optimises *256.
Eg, instead of MOV BX,256 now its MOV AH,AL
FAST: v2.66 Date: 14/11/1990
Fixed: print bios tab - printed a backspace character, not a tab character.
FAST: v2.67 Date: 27/11/1990